Career crossroads — Should you quit your corporate job?

Navigating the Career Crossroads: When Familiarity Turns into Fatigue

Have you reached the ultimate career crossroad? The one where the work that once felt invigorating to you now feels routine, or even draining? While, as a high W-2 earner who’s built companies, I am very familiar with this fork in the road and the emotional rollercoaster that builds up to it.

The emotional challenges of career crossroads 

Corporate jobs are honestly like a special kind of romantic relationship. First, there’s the honeymoon phase; everything is fresh, full of potential, and satisfying—and we are elated. Then, this rush of feel-good emotions and positive energy leads to us falling in love with the work and the business.

However, a year in, maybe two or three, we get so used to the job, the tasks, and the people. This can signal a critical career crossroad, as we begin to notice the imperfections and the initial excitement fades. Routine takes over. The “in love” shifts to “love” which shifts to “indifference.” We start to question ourselves, question our role. Furthermore, the routine continues and the indifference shifts to something even graver: resentment.

Navigating the career crossroads: To stay or go 

The moment you feel resentment is often when you find yourself at a critical career crossroad. Consequently, you have two choices: you either find a way to re-fall in love with what you’re doing or you come to the conclusion that it is time to move on. As you approach this career crossroad, it’s important to consider your mental and emotional well-being as you embark on this career transition—according to the American Psychological Association, a significant 79% of workers experience burnout, which can make it difficult to decide whether to stay or move on from your current job. In truth, there isn’t a correct answer; it truly depends on what resonates with you on a core level.

What often happens though is people don’t think about this until suddenly they find themselves in resentment. Thus, they can feel stuck, or like they can’t leave since they haven’t thought it over enough yet. Deeply unhappy, they wake up and choose to settle day after day. And the longer one is caught in this trap, the more numb they become, the more they choose the comfort zone, the familiar routine. Don’t let yourself be one of those people!

At a career crossroads? Ask yourself these vital questions 

If you find yourself at a career crossroads, consider journaling about these key questions. (This applies whether you are starting something of your own or finding a new role at a new company that aligns with you.)

  1. First, what are my core values?
  2. Second, is this work aligned with me?
  3. Third, have things changed since I started here?
  4. Fourth, do I still love what I’m doing?
  5. Fifth, would this work be included in my ideal day?

If the answers show that you aren’t happy, it’s highly likely that it is time for a career transition.

Often, people resist change, but change is inevitable and necessary for growth. Honestly, it’s natural for our careers and interests to evolve. In fact, I would be concerned if they didn’t! Reaching this career crossroad doesn’t mean that you’ve done something wrong or are failing at life; rather, it means you are evolving.

How to embrace change and move forward

Confronting a career crossroad can be daunting, however, remember, you deserve fulfillment. Pursuing work that ignites your passion should be a priority. Imagine being full of energy and enthusiasm as you tackle your goals. You have the right to chase your aspirations and surround yourself with people who truly value your perspective.

As you stand at this career crossroad, how do you make the right decision? Tune in to your emotions. Listen to your intuition. Be mindful. Meditate. Journal. Envision your best life. Read insightful books (such as Gino Wickman’s Entrepreneurial Leap). Finally, invest in leadership coaching or leadership mentoring. And, whatever you choose, let it align with who you are evolving into.


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